Real Estate Marketing

Planning, Development and Execution

Real Estate Marketing

To deliver anything less than the best collateral to prospective purchasers is a false economy. A developer can spend hundreds of riyals addressing each sales inquiry, only to risk losing the prospective buyers if they are not fully convinced by the first impression the developed project leaves.

Worry not; we are here to help you devise a professional and appealing presentation that clearly and convincingly reflects the merits of your project. We will equally help you create expertly prepared communication programs that actively support the sales process. Meticulously designed, your development will come to life on screen, page, and billboard, so that prospective purchasers will be able to truly sense the benefits of investing there and – crucially – motivate them to enquire further.


Property Packages

Many are the different motivations behind individual purchases, this is why we help you, present prospective buyers, with a package that ticks all the boxes about ownership in a clear and concise manner. Each buyer will easily and quickly identify those aspects and benefits that most appeal to them. We scope out the various features and information to highlight and produce professionally written content to articulate these clearly, enabling us to then prioritize the main Unique Selling Points to be used for promotional messages.


Marketing Strategy

The days of “build it and they will buy” are long passed. Buyers have become increasingly sophisticated and, with rapid access to information at their fingertips, they are quite discerning and selective about where to invest. A well-researched marketing strategy can make the difference between commercial success and failure. We examine the scope, opportunities, competition, and challenges facing the business to develop realistic and practical strategies that build awareness, generate leads, and drive sales. And to know where you stand, key elements such as brand positioning, targeting, promotion, budgets, and timeframe will also be covered in a detailed report. Each program is prepared individually to meet specific goals and speak to the client’s ambitions and objectives for the project.


Project Launch

Launching is the phase that actually sets the tone of your project in the public’s eye; it is a critical phase in any development’s lifecycle and has to be executed to the highest standard. The consequences of getting any part of it wrong can be dire. Most of the leads resulting from your project launch will be very high quality and early adopters, while a good percentage of them will actually become ambassadors for your project. This is why we invest considerable time and energy in the planning of the right launch to help you to avoid costly mistakes, harness international expertise and work with your PR agency to make your launch a memorable success.



Property Operations

As we enjoy extensive experience in working on projects around the world, we know that budgets are often under pressure. Your budget needs to be broken down with great diligence, focusing on strategies and media that are proven to deliver cost-effective results. This will demand very careful campaign planning to reach your target markets and ensure that we achieve maximum Return on Investment and impact.